What are Tides?
Tides are driven by the gravitational force of the sun and the moon. As the earth rotates around its axis every 24 hours, tides come in and out twice each day. Tidal current describes the motion of water. Tides create a current throughout the oceans, near the shore, and in rivers along the coastline. These are called “Tidal Currents.” Tidal currents are the only phenomena on earth that shift in a regular pattern and can be predicted into the future for many years in advance. The GMax Tidal Energy system harnesses these currents to generate carbon-free electricity through a proprietary system, see this link GMax Tidal Energy | Carbon free electricity generation to review the GMax operations video.
How Does GMax Tidal Energy Technology compare to other Green Energy Technologies like Solar, Wind, and other Tidal Energy Technologies?
The reality is that no renewable energy system can be compared to each other. Each have notable differences, and each are best effective within their own geographic environment in compliance with the customers specifications.
Until an initial pre-feasibility report is performed, little is known regarding the potential of any “locations clean power output.” Each developer is responsible for their technology in whole and must provide validation data considering their systems performance versus that location. And the best comparisons tend to be “Cost per Mega-Watt” CAPEX (Capital Expense to build the facility) And OPEX (Expense to maintain the facility), which equates to the: “Levelized Cost of Energy” (LCOE) for that facility. A general comparison is also discerned in terms of the “overall energy production output verses footprint comparisons”
A GMax Tidal Energy float stage can generate a predictable 3 Megawatts of usable clean electricity daily, within a footprint of 20,000 Total Square Feet of usable water space.
A solar farm of an equal 3 Mw, but unpredictable output would require a footprint of 18 acres of land which compares to 851,200 Total Square Feet of usable land space.
A wind farm of equal 3 Mw, but unpredictable output would require a huge footprint due to the spacing requirements regarding wind blockage and surface obstacles that conflict with the wind flow equals 2.8 Million Total Square Feet of usable footprint space.
Other tidal energy technologies are entirely different from one another and built for use in specific environments. Some are “Tidal Lagoons” which involve huge land relocation infrastructure type of projects. Some are operated by the surface motion of the waves, in which the developers of GMax have no data to compare with.
Tidal Turbine type innovations which are driven by the same type of water currents as GMax have been proven with remarkable results. Recent data from the EU Atlantis Project observed for several years and produced a record quantity of electricity utilizing the water current phenomena, and safe benign occupancy in the aquatic environment.
Although the GMax Linear Flow Engines are Not turbines, the innovation shares the same “Thrust Mechanism” of water currents to generate clean power. A unique proprietary system that consists of two linear flow engines generates a slow moving, but “VHTV” or Newton Meters, that is transitioned into the state-of-the-art permanent magnet generators inside the lower deck space of the float stage.
Is there carbon or chemical toxins emitted during maintenance and operations of the GMax system?
Zero carbon is emitted from the GMax float stage while idle, and in full peak clean power operations. Onboard state of the art hydraulic actuator systems is lubricated with a Non-Toxic Environmentally Safe vegetable oil. Below the waterline, a non-mercury-based hull protectant is the most effective environmentally safe surface coating presently on the industrial grade maritime coatings market.
Does GMax Float Stage Units negatively impact the Ocean Ecosystem or Marine Life?
The overall design was engineered around these statutes in several category levels. Starting with anchorage, the float stage does not require a foundation which can severely impact the environment and raise costs significantly. While in full power operations the GMax linear flow engines move slower than the tidal current itself, which renders “A Benign Aquatic Environment Occupation.” This means fish just plainly swim around the float stage as they would any obstacle in their travels utilizing their natural sensory perception. To insure daily operational harmony with the environment, an entire array package of environmental monitoring & observation instrumentation accompanies operations, below the waterline, and above the waterline. Special operations installed aboard the float stage will enable an immediate shut down for human, USCG / USACE Maritime, and New York State and New Jersey environmental safety protocols.
See the following information provided,
The “Fish Kill” percentage rate for each GMax Float Stage Unit is @ Zero (0).
Developers have designed, engineered, and performed hundreds of tests, through several protypes representing diverse levels of circumstance. 3rd party validation from expert council provides confirmation of the “GMax SLOW RPM” as impossible to kill fish, because the apparatus is slower than the tidal current. Aquatic species (Fish etc) navigate around these landmarks as they would any other natural or man made obstacle, through their own “sensory perception.
How Does GMax Tidal Energy Technology compare to other Green Energy Technologies like Solar, Wind, and other Tidal Energy Technologies?
The reality is that no renewable energy system can be compared to each other. Each have notable differences, and each are best effective within their own geographic environment in compliance with the customers specifications.
Until an initial pre-feasibility report is performed, little is known regarding the potential of any “locations clean power output.” Each developer is responsible for their technology in whole and must provide validation data considering their systems performance versus that location. And the best comparisons tend to be “Cost per Mega-Watt” CAPEX (Capital Expense to build the facility) And OPEX (Expense to maintain the facility), which equates to the: “Levelized Cost of Energy” (LCOE) for that facility. A general comparison is also discerned in terms of the “overall energy production output verses footprint comparisons”
A GMax Tidal Energy float stage can generate a predictable 3 Megawatts of usable clean electricity daily, within a footprint of 20,000 Total Square Feet of usable water space.
A solar farm of an equal 3 Mw, but unpredictable output would require a footprint of 18 acres of land which compares to 851,200 Total Square Feet of usable land space.
A wind farm of equal 3 Mw, but unpredictable output would require a huge footprint due to the spacing requirements regarding wind blockage and surface obstacles that conflict with the wind flow equals 2.8 Million Total Square Feet of usable footprint space.
Homepage – U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Energy Information Administration – EIA – Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government
Other tidal energy technologies are entirely different from one another and built for use in specific environments. Some are “Tidal Lagoons” which involve huge land relocation infrastructure type of projects. Some are operated by the surface motion of the waves, in which the developers of GMax have no data to compare with.
Tidal Turbine type innovations which are driven by the same type of water currents as GMax have been proven with remarkable results. Recent data from the EU Atlantis Project observed for several years and produced a record quantity of electricity utilizing the water current phenomena, and safe benign occupancy in the aquatic environment.
Although the GMax Linear Flow Engines are Not turbines, the innovation shares the same “Thrust Mechanism” of water currents to generate clean power. A unique proprietary system that consists of two linear flow engines generates a slow moving, but “VHTV” or Newton Meters, that is transitioned into the state-of-the-art permanent magnet generators inside the lower deck space of the float stage.
Fossil and Nuclear power plant operations kill nearly 9 billion fish per year, This averages to a “rate” of fish killed per mega-watt of power produced. What is the kill percentage rate of the GMax system while operational?
Severe impact happens with many traditional type fossil/Nuclear based power plants that require FAST SPINNING BLADE pumps of 300 RPM (analageuos to an industrial kitchen blender) to circulate sea water which cools these massive systems. Unfortunately this is a nessecary component in the nuclear plants which require even larger pumps, and sometimes kill huge amounts of fish depending on the maintenance protocal cycle.
Can GMax Float Stage Units withstand Level 3-5 Hurricanes without sustaining damage?
The GMax float stage unit is certified under United States Coast Guard compliance and will be registered in the USA as an “ocean faring clean energy generating platform.” Design and engineering standards complied to meet & exceed a “Hurricane Sandy” type of storm. Various safeguards were added according to the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) form and function to provide further flexibility and safe operations when the event occurs. Added safeguards also include tidal rouge wave events, and tsunami events which have different characteristics than “ocean surges” experienced in Sandy. The float stage is also made to withstand and remain operational in high consistent wave conditions, high winds mixed with inconsistent wave conditions, and man-made ship wake conditions.
The GMax Tidal Energy New York Pilot Project has been approved for a Nationwide Permit for beginning operations from 16 City, State, and Federal Authorities.
This is necessary to obtain the “Power Output Nameplate Values” for operations, required to obtain the F.E.R.C. Federal Power Plant License. The developer has also submitted pre-bid documentation for two of the largest utility scale Clean Energy projects to date, that include Clean peak power storage utilizing a “Hydro-Integrated-Peak-Power-System which is generated through a flywheel mechanism and is a carbon + chemical free system.”
GMax Float Stages will be made in the USA.
The developer has chosen to primarily focus on the East and West coasts of the United States of America.
From Miami Florida to Maine exists a gulf stream of water current that can insert over 175,000 Mega Watts of clean power into the electric grid within 55 months. The West coast USA also has even higher significant & successful conditions awaiting GMax locations from Southern California to Washington State.
The Nation of Guyana has also approved a GMax pre-feasibility inspection regarding several locations with significant successful conditions awaiting in the Essequibo and Pomeroon Rivers which are presently being considered.
How is the GMax Tidal Energy clean power system less expensive than traditional fossil fueled power plants?
Tidal energy is produced by the surge of ocean waters during the rise and fall of tides. Tidal energy is a renewable source of energy. During the 20th century, engineers developed ways to use tidal movement to generate electricity in areas where there is a significant tidal range —the difference in area between high tide and low tide.All methods use special generators to convert tidal energy …
The rate of cost per megawatt for fossil fuel CAPEX plants is $9mm-$15mm, Not including subsidy, the OPEX is .4-.7 cents per kilowatt generated and the plant lifecycle is generally 10 years (Fossil Fuel does not require power storage).
The rate of cost per megawatt for a GMax Clean Power System is $3.9mm – $7mm. Add $3.3mm per megawatt for peak power storage if required. OPEX is .1 cent per kilowatt because GMax does not require diesel fuel to operate, nor to: generate utility scale clean power. Furthermore, the GMax system is designed for a 30-year life cycle, when compared to fossil fuels’ 10-year life cycle. This renders the GMax system a significantly less expensive system to build and operate for generating 100% clean power.
Since ocean tides are predictable only at certain times, how is the GMax float stage also capable of a utility scale peak power storage?
The proprietary system within the lower deck of the GMax float stage is called the “Hydro-Integrated-Peak-Power” (HIPP) storage array. Depending upon the circumstances of the customers scope of work, this will be considered as an ADD / OPTION system.
Most customers require electricity power on demand. This system was designed to offer electricity through this revolutionary and novel power storage system that will be able to provide over two megawatts of peak power per GMax float stage.
Certain customers Grid Capacities may require more electricity than the nameplate output electricity of what the GMax float stage is designed to produce. Therefore the “HIPP” system would not be required in that scope of work format.
Will people be able to monitor the GMax clean energy output for the carbon offset credits NFT initiatives they are offering?
The developer is creating an app that will tie into the GMax float stage clean power output while in full operations. This app will be available for wireless access to the “output metering of usable electricity.” The app will automatically calculate their portion of daily carbon offset credits earned. The owner will have the ability to monitor daily progress for validation to either purchase additional credits or to buy and sell on the open carbon offset credit markets.
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